An angelic aperitif

Angelica Sylvestries


Angelica Sylvestries

Plant Part:


Plant Properties:

digestive, stimulates gastric juice production, relieving flatulence, purifying, expectorant, stimulating, stomachic expectorant, tonic, eupeptic, nerve-strengthening


August Quirinus Bachman (Rivinus) was a doctor in Lipsia in the 17th century; under the name of “Angelica” he wanted to immortalize a plant that, on his opinion, the Archangel Gabriel himself had unveiled to the world. It’s not by chance that all Angelica species used to be considered medicinal plants having miraculous and magic virtues. They were supposed to work against every poison, to eradicate plague and even making human life last longer.

“It dissolves clotted blood” Durante used to say, “it rids you of bites of rabid dogs as well as snakes” Mattioli stated, while all that Linneo did was keeping the name, ascribing the famous Arcangelica medicinal features maybe to the fact that the plant emanates a delicate and pleasing perfume. That’s the reason why the variety Arcangelica was much more studied from the pharmacological point of view rather than the similar Silvestris, more common; it seems like the two plants have quite analogous properties anyway.

Beyond all chimera believes about Angelica miracles, we can certainly state that the plant enjoys an excellent reputation for what concerns the medicinal aspect thanks to its essential oil (angelicina).


- a few Angelica roots
- 1 liter Grappa
- a few juniper berries
- a pinch of nutmeg
- a little cane sugar


This aperitiv is prepared with the root of Angelica which has to be picked in spring (during this period the root is richer in aromatic and medicinal substances) and later dried out, cut to pieces and let macerate in grappa for a couple of months. If we wanted our aperitiv to taste more round, it would be enough to add a few juniper berries, a pinch of nutmeg and a little cane sugar. Two months ageing will turn our Grappa into a “cordial” aperitiv.