Marc, the raw material of Grappa

Grape skins and their aromatic properties

Grappa is the result of the distillation of marc, the grape skin, which is what remains of the grapes after they have been pressed and squeezed for wine.
The grape is the fruit of the vine, whose botanical name is Vitis vinifera. This plant probably appeared on Earth 1 million years ago. Since humans learned the properties of its fruit, they have never stopped cultivating and protecting it in every possible way.
Each grape of the bunch is covered by a skin, a true protective envelope with a thickness of 2-10 thousandths of a millimeter. In this very thin film are concentrated large quantities of aromatic and coloring substances. While for the winemaker the entire grape is of utmost importance, the attention of the Grappa distiller focuses essentially on the skin.
The Aromatic Complexity of Grappa
The aromatic substances of the skin constitute the primary aroma of Grappa because they are already present from the beginning in this part of the grape. Thus, it will be easy to distinguish a Grappa di Moscato if we have fixed in mind the taste of the starting grape. Nature has chosen the grape skin to fix a huge amount of aromatic substances that give us unmistakable scents. Few other fruits and plant essences can compete with the aromatic complexity of the grape.

Sensory intensity vs. sensory complexity

It is always necessary to distinguish between the intensity of a scent or flavor and its complexity. While intensity somewhat gives the strength of a scent through its impact on the olfactory mucosa, complexity is given by all the nuances that make up that particular scent. So if we smell a bouquet of 100 red roses, we will have great intensity but little complexity. If, on the other hand, we smell a bouquet of 100 different flowers, we will have great intensity but, above all, enormous complexity.

Grappa and Its Sensory Heritage

Precisely for all that has been said, being Grappa the child of grape skin, this distillate carries within itself a heritage of fragrances with a thousand nuances, ranging from flowers to fruit, from sweet spices to citrus fruits to candied fruit and medicinal hints. 
Few other distillates can boast such a gustatory and olfactory set, given by the high concentration of aromatic substances obtained by distilling marc. 

Fermentation and conservation of marc

Before proceeding with the distillation of marc, it is necessary that they contain alcohol. This is only possible when the marc has been fermented, that is, when the sugar contained in it has turned into alcohol. This condition depends on the type of vinification adopted.

The grape marc from the production of white wines that have not been left to macerate in the must during fermentation are called "virgin". They are rich in sugars but not in alcohol, and therefore, they must be fermented before they can be distilled.
Those from the production of rosé wines have undergone a brief maceration in the must during fermentation and, for this reason, are called "semi-fermented" and already contain a small amount of alcohol. Marc from the production of red wines, on the other hand, has already fermented in the must and is therefore called "fermented". Since they already contain alcohol, they are ready for distillation.

Before distilling virgin and semi-fermented marc, it will be necessary to ferment them completely, so that the sugars turn into alcohol, thus obtaining fermented marc.
Marc preservation

Grappa is a distillate of marc: their quality is the first and most important factor in obtaining a good product. Distillers know this well, who rightly pay absolute attention to the choice of raw material. The freshness and good preservation of the marc are essential as any deterioration of these would inevitably be reflected in the final product.

If fermented marc is not distilled shortly, it will be necessary to take special care in preserving them, as they could deteriorate, spoil, or mold easily. 

The secret to obtaining good Grappa is to distill fresh grape skin as soon as it arrives at the distillery, without resorting to preserving the raw material.