Quotes and aphorisms about Grappa

The olfactory and gustatory memory

Are you ready to embark on a journey through words and thoughts that celebrate Grappa? We will explore a collection of quotes and aphorisms that capture the essence of our flagship spirit. From the words of poets and writers to the reflections of oenologists and lovers of the good life, let yourself be carried away by the beauty of expressions that pay tribute to this precious brandy.

It can deservedly be called Water of Life because [...]
it preserves the life of those who use it to drink.
Pietro Andrea Mattioli on Grappa
from "Commentari Dioscoridis De Materia Medica,” 1565

The Burning Water, or Water of Immortality,
Wonderful Essence or Golden Water
comforts the heart [...] for this reason it deserves
to be called water of life.
Arnaldo da Villanova on Grappa
from "Tractatus de Vino," 1500
…and the Grappa smelled with a fatal flower fragrance.
Grazia Deledda

The air, raw with fog, is sipped
like Grappa, everything exudes a flavor.
Cesare Pavese

Grapes of adamantine clarity,
all spirit dry
with the hurried grace
of genuine fragrant pomace.
Riccardo Bacchelli

Grappa is like the mule [...] you can lean on her if you're tired, use her as a shield if they shoot, sleep under her if there's too much sun; you can talk to her and she answers you; cry and be comforted; and if you've really decided to die, she smiles at you.
Anonymous Alpine Captain 
That time the old man invited the boy into his house
and offered him the first glass of Grappa of his life.
Ernest Hemingway

Double Grappa corrected coffee.
Lino Toffolo

Grappa purifies, disinfects, and sanctifies.

Those who produce Grappa are in direct communion with their motherland.
Paolo Monelli 

For an alpine soldier, the good day starts with a little grappa.
Venetian Saying 
In wine, there is truth; in Grappa, imagine that.
Gigi Proietti

Twelve grappas in half an hour can bring down a bison.
Twelve grappas in a day make the bison believe
there are still prairies without hunters.
Andrea G. Pinketts

With Grappa, you can correct anything. Even sadness.
Fabrizio Caramagna

I am a corrected person. Grappa corrected.
Jacopo Poli 