Trentino Grappa: the triumph of the bain-marie still

The quality and respect for tradition make Trentino a place of high expression of the territory and its Grappas. The Trentino distillates flow clear from the stills, offering the taster all their aromatic uniqueness due not only to the cultivated vines but also to the respectful and skillful hand of man.
 Grappa in Trentino Culture
Grappa has been part of the Trentino people and their culture for a very long time: the land as a source of sustenance for the population has always received the best care. Today, more than 90% of the cultivated vineyards are Denomination of Controlled Origin (DOC), thus guaranteeing very high quality standards.
Red and White Grapes of Trentino
The most widespread red grape varieties are Schiava, Teroldego, and Marzemino. Among the white ones, it is worth mentioning Moscato, Müller Thurgau, Traminer, Riesling, Silvaner, and Nosiola.
The Bain-Marie Still, the Secret of Trentino Excellence
In Trentino, continuous cycle stills for the industrial production of Grappa have met with little favor. Respect for the traditional bain-marie still is a well-established distinguishing feature of Trentino distillates. One name above all deserves to be mentioned, that of the still maker Tullio Zadra, who has left his mark on many wonderful bain-marie distillation instruments.
Characteristics of Trentino Grappas 
Trentino Grappas stand out for their gentleness and fragrance, accompanied by soft and delicate fruit notes, offering expressions of great freshness, especially in products without wood aging. 