The Production of Grappa

Grappa is a unique distillate in the world because it is obtained from the distillation of a solid raw material: pomace, which are the grape skins after they have been pressed to make wine.
The pomace that arrives at the distillery is essentially of two types: fermented and unfermented (virgin). The former contains an alcoholic percentage because it has fermented with the wine must, while the latter are almost always white and, except for rare exceptions, do not ferment with the wine must. Therefore, it will be up to the distiller to ferment them in the most appropriate way before distilling them.
Why is this fermentation necessary?
Fermentation is very important because it is the process by which an organic substance (usually sugar) is transformed into alcohol by unicellular microorganisms: yeasts. To create a distillate (such as Grappa, Cognac, or Whisky, etc...), you always need to start with a substance that already contains alcohol, that is, a fermented one.


What is distillation?

Distillation is a physical process that allows the volatile parts of a fermented substance to be separated based on their different boiling points. In practice, it is necessary to heat the fermented substance to allow the alcoholic vapors to evaporate along with the aromas. In this way, the amount of alcohol contained in the fermented substance is concentrated. If these vapors are then cooled, a liquid with a high alcohol content will be obtained.

Three fundamental elements are necessary for this:
- the raw material to be distilled (in the case of Grappa, pomace);
- the master distiller;
- the still.

There are two fundamental categories of stills:
- stills that operate in a batch process, used in the production of artisanal Grappa (stills with small boilers fed by flowing steam, bain-marie stills, direct fire stills);
- stills that operate in a continuous process, used in industrial production.
In this context, only the stills for the production of artisanal Grappa will be described.