"Flammable" grass




Plant Part:


Plant Properties:

aromatic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulating, tonic, nerve-strengthening, stimulates blood flow, febrifugal, antispasmodic, spasmolytic, antihelminthic, stimulating for milk


Burning bush is the English name of Dictamnus albus, also known as Frassinella, because it has the characteristic of „catching fire" if placed near a flame.
This characteristic, determined by the flammability of the essential oils, contained in its flowers, is probably attributed to the alcohol chemical nature (tapenic alcohols) of these essences.
They are then imparting some aromatic character to the plant, which could be very well used as a digestive and stimulant, when used with caution. Just as the Ruta.
It is known that excessive doses of rue can cause serious disorders, the same goes for the Dictamnus albus that basically belongs to the same family (rutaceae) and that contains the same principles such as rue herb, that in the past was used for an abortive effect.


- 2 or 3 flowering tops of Burning Bush
- 1 liter of Grappa


2 or 3 flowering tops are left to soak in a liter of Grappa for three months in a sunny place.
Filtered and aged for other 3 months.
The liquor will have a pink color and flavor of lemon.