4 people
Maria Barisone - Genova
30 minutes


1 kg large prawns
A lemon
A handful of capers
Half a clove of garlic
3 glass of dry white wine
1 shot glass of aged Grappa
A few drops of aromatic vinegar
A teaspoon of potato starch
Fried bread croutons


Take the big and still alive prawns, wash them and place them into boiling water with a few slices of lemon and salt.
Once blanched, cut vertically the shell of the tail with a hacksaw to remove the black gutter (intestine).
Meanwhile, prepare a trite with chopped parsley, capers, half a whole clove of garlic, salt and pepper, wine and Grappa (previously flambéed to remove alcohol) with a few drops of aromatic vinegar.
In order to thicken this sauce, add a teaspoon of potato starch.
Carry on cooking the large whole prawns or only tails extracted from their shells in this sauce, paying attention that the meat does not become too soft. 
If you end up having a lot of sauce, you can add some fried bread croutons on the bottom of the dish.