Potato dumplings with chocolate or macarons

8 people
Sergio Boschetto, Galliano Rosset, Amedeo Sandri
About 80 minutes


1 kg potatoes
About 400 g white flour
80 g butter
80 g smoked ricotta cheese to be grated
50 g candied citron peel
50 g raisin
A teaspoon of cocoa powder
Ground cinnamon
Cane sugar
2 small fresh eggs


Soak the raisins in warm water. Boil , peel and mash  the potatoes. Combine them with eggs, two tablespoons of Grappa, salt, nutmeg and as much flour as needed to get a normal mixture to form dumplings.
Knead it carefully, then pull off a piece of dough, roll it  into a cylinder and cut into small pieces, cover them with flour,  and rub them against the wrong side of a greater, until there's no dough left.
Bring  a pot of salted water to boil and then pour the dumplings in it: 
 as they come to the surface, drain with a slotted spoon and place in a bowl.
While the dumplings  are cooking, shred and place the lime in a bowl: Combine the raisins  squeezed by water soaking, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, cocoa and grated ricotta. Stir  well and sprinkle the dumplings with this mixture,  pour over them the melted and bubbly  butter and serve, stirring very gently so as not to break them.

Recipe from the book "Grappa & Cucina. Nella tradizione delle Venezie". 


The dumplings are a recurring and very popular dish in the cuisine of Friuli. The special thing about these recipes is given by the combination of sweet with savory ingredients, which is typical of Central European countries. The shape is unusual, very often are oval and of medium size.