8 people
Sergio Boschetto, Galliano Rosset e Amedeo Sandri
About 40 minutes


250 g white flour
25 g butter
1 small egg
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of Grappa
Half glass of milk
A pinch of salt
Powdered sugar
Oil for frying
A little flour for the pastry


Melt the butter on low heat.
Add a pinch of salt to the flour and mix. Form a "well" in the middle of the flour,  pour the melt butter in it, the previously beaten egg, olive oil, Grappa and milk.
Once you have a smooth and firm paste, which break away from the hands and from the work surface, knead vigorously for about ten minutes and then let it rest, wrapped in a towel for half an hour.
Then roll it out very thin on a floury work surface. Divide the dough with a pastry wheel in squares or diamonds, draw one or two incisions in the center of each one with a knife.
Fry them in plenty of hot oil, drip them with a slotted spoon and place them on a paper tray covered with white parchment paper. 
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve them as soon as possible, while they are fragrant.

Recipe from the book "Grappa & Cucina. Nella tradizione delle Venezie".