11/29/2023 | Curiosity from web

The Poli Grappa Museum on Google Arts & Culture

The Poli Grappa Museum on Google Arts & Culture

The Poli Grappa Museums open their doors to the virtual audience worldwide, making their debut on the Google Arts & Culture portal.
Through a multimedia journey consisting of texts, images, videos, and hyperlinks, it is now possible to experience a digital exploration inside the two Poli museums. "It is another crucial piece in the ongoing work of research, exploration, and dissemination that we have always carried out as an act of love towards Grappa and the art of distillation," says Jacopo Poli.
Thanks to the collaboration with Museimpresa, the Poli Museums contribute to the cultural heritage hosted by the Google platform, alongside the most distinguished international institutions.
After experiencing the intriguing virtual preview, the next invitation extends to visiting the two Museums and the Distillery in person. There, one can immerse themselves in the genuine Spirit of Poli, breathing in the atmosphere and savoring the authentic essence firsthand.