Since the opening, on the 4th july 1993, the mission of the Poli Grappa Museum has always been clear: to make known the history and the qualities of the most important italian distillate for an always greater number of persons, highlighting the taste and the knowledge contained in a bottle and to explode the prejudice that the Grappa should be "something that burns, a stuff for men".
After 20 years we can confirm to our satisfaction, that also thanks to the activities of the Museum the level of competence of the clientele has evolved and with this also the taste has refined and the sensoral and cultural expactations towards this extraordinary spirit have increased.
In the course of these first 20 years of activity the Grappa Museum has lived an important development also considering the geographical origin of the visitors;
this presented a constant improvement of the linguistic and interpersonal competences of the Museum staff which are daily speaking in different languages and get in touch with the most various cultures and eno-gastronomic habits.
We have always shown maximal enthusiasm in order to satisfy the expectations of the 8.000 visitors which pass monthly under the copper still of the Museum and according to customers' feedback we adjusted our informative proposal.
Today the Grappa Museum covers a meaningful role in the tourist offer of Bassano del Grappa, becoming in fact one of the most appreciated tourist attraction.
There are many guests who come back and make us compliments: this is our biggest satisfaction and it's exactly this, what makes us opening the doors every day with a smile and wishing to share our enthusiasm and knowledge with as many persons as possible.
Long lives the Grappa.
Cristina Poli and the staff of the Grappa Museum
The Poli Grappa Museum in its entirety