1/3/2022 | Discovering Grappa

Grappa and Bassano del Grappa

Grappa and Bassano del Grappa

Discovering Grappa with Jacopo Poli.

Bassano del Grappa is considered the capital of the most important Italian distillate: Grappa.
But was Grappa born first, or Mount Grappa? 
A bit of clarity is needed!

Bassano del Grappa was called “Bassano Veneto” until 1928 and then, for war merits, it was named “Bassano del Grappa”, being this beautiful city located on the foothill of this mountain, that was theater of heroic battles during the first world war.
While the word Grappa referred to Mount Grappa comes from a German word meaning “rock”, the word Grappa referred to the brandy, comes from the dialect word “graspa”, meaning basically the grape’s skin, namely what remains after the grape was pressed to make the wine.

Beyond the different etymology, the link among Mount Grappa, Bassano del Grappa and Grappa, is historical and indissoluble.
With full rights, Bassano del Grappa is considered the capital of the most important Italian distillate; not by chance, the first of the two Grappa Museums was founded here, I invite you to visit it.

Buona Grappa, everyone!