6/26/2021 | Discovering Grappa

Differences among white Grappa and yellow Grappa

Differences among white Grappa and yellow Grappa

Discovering Grappa with Jacopo Poli.

What's the difference between white and yellow Grappa?
Every is Grappa was born white, transparent, as the raw material's color does not evaporate.
If we notice that Grappa has a golden shade, it can be simply for two reasons: either it was aged, or infused with vegetable substances.
In the first case, during the ageing, the Grappa will absorb the aromatic and chromatic shades by the wood's staves; it will take on a color with a range from the light straw, to a more intense color like amber.

Instead, if the Grappa was used to prepare an infusion of botanicals, such as licorice root or chamomile flowers, then these substances will confer a color tone ranging from light yellow to the more intense one.

All the white Grappas are young, if a Grappa is yellow, this is due to ageing or infusion.
This will be clarified by reading the label.
Buona Grappa, everyone!