L'Italia della Grappa


"The Italy of Grappa"

As there is no review or preview available for the book " L'Italia della Grappa", we give below the complete list of topics covered by it:

From Grappa with no boredom the history and pioneers

The statistics: one out of five Italians drinks Grappa

Grappa tastes good and it is good for you

Grappa from the ditch

Grappa and love

Interlude dialogue

Ways (even new ones) to drink Grappa

Grappa like

Which Grappa

Thou shalt have no Grappa other than Italian Grappa

Market and export


Tomorrow is already here

Grappa repertoire

Fruit distillates

Cocktails and long drinks

The recipes

The managers

Technicians and master distillers

The companies


Biographical Notes:

The volume deals with many aspects concerning Grappa and its distillation. From the history of our national distillate to statistic dates of its diffusion.
