L'albero degli aromi della Grappa


"The Grappa aroma tree" is a new odour classification system based on the way in which olfactory sensations produced by a product category are catalogued in the minds of tasters. Aromatic types, classified according to a three-level hierarchy, are organized in a map that helps even non-expert tasters find the semantic label corresponding to the odour they smell.

The originality of the aroma tree lies in the method used, which:

- is based not on theoretical assumptions established in tradition, but on a fifteen year history of sensory analysis tests carried out by Centro Studi Assaggiatori;

- combines, in order to be the most robust possible, statistical techniques, chemical concepts and a solid experience of product categories and sensory analysis;

- while making direct reference to ISO standards on the subject, it is consistent with Italian culture.


Biographical Notes:

The aroma tree is a new odour classification system based on the way in which olfactory sensations produced by a product category are catalogued in the minds of tasters.
