La Grappa in casa
"Grappa at home"
The book's author pays homage to Grappa, restoring that fascinating image, forgotten for so many years, that people tend however to rediscover today. Venturini champions our national Grappa traditions in a book that for the first time is useful both to experts in the field and those who, with a sip of Grappa, only want to satisfy the pleasure of a genuine personal preference. Thanks to some practical advice on proper production methods, the book can help prevent the trade of Grappas that are defective or do not comply with current legislation, both national and European. Also illustrated are some essential, but exhaustive guidelines for the different uses of Grappa that were handed down, like a rite, from peasant and mountain traditions to well-to-do sitting rooms; from a shot of Grappa to cocktails, from inns to restaurants.
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