Aziende venete che esportano: principali risultati della ricerca condotta nel 2008


"Veneto companies that export: main results of a research carried out in 2008

The main objective of this study was to identify the factors that have greater influence on export performance. In general, the Veneto region is characterized by a large presence of small to medium size companies that in most cases cooperate among themselves. In particular, the industrial district model that characterized the region development and represents a successful industrial model in the country as a whole, was a useful reference for organizing the work and identify the aspects to be analyzed in depth. The industrial district model is now undergoing changes,  due to the new international situation that is facing the business community. The question was, on the one hand, whether the model's typical successful elements could be replicated in an international context and, on the other hand, how the changes had been confronted and what they imply. Three parameters, considered to be paramount in influencing export performance, were identified from a number of sources: price, company size and support to distribution. As regards price, the data gathered allowed to analyze the adjustment of price strategies to export markets and how that affects performance. Support to distribution was also examined in relation to its influence on export performance. And company size was equally examined for its influence on sales abroad.    
