Acquavite d'uva e Grappa: paralleli tra tecnologia e gusto


"Grape brandy and Grappa: parallels between technology and taste"

Today it is undoubtedly more difficult to taste an eau-de-vie from grapes and come to an objective technical assessment than to do the same with Grappa. The difficulty is almost exclusively due to a not yet clearly identified "quality factor" that should unequivocally characterize a grape brandy. In today's Grappa we can rely on quality standards of reference for each typical production area, but we cannot do the same for grapes aquae vitae, since the product is too young and therefore still in the process of overall quality establishment, not only from area to area ...



Biographical Notes:

In today’s Grappa we can rely on quality standards of reference for each typical production area, but we cannot do the same for grapes aquae vitae, since the product is too young.
