
Loquat, Japanese medlar, Japanese plum


Loquat, Japanese medlar, Japanese plum

Plant Part:


Plant Properties:

aromatic, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, nerve-strengthening, thirst-quenching, antibacterial, analgesic, antiviral


The Japanese medlar is a typical oriental plant, it originated in fact from eastern China or Japan and also has a very indicative name, Eriobotrya Japonica, which refers of course to its origin and to the hairy appearance of its inflorescences.
Eriobotrya indeed means hairy bunch.

Nevertheless, it is a plant that grows also luxuriantly in our territories, especially in the Mediterranean, where it is mainly appreciated for its pleasant and refreshing fruits.

With the seeds instead a liqueur is obtained, known under the name of Nespolino and vaguely reminiscent oft he taste of bitter almonds.



- 200 g medlar seeds
- 1 liter of Grappa
- syrup obtained with some water and 300 g of sugar
- 1 vanilla pod
- some rose petal


A Grappa Nespolino is prepared by macerating 200 g of medlar seeds for about 10 days in the sun, so that they are „peeling" spontaneously.
The peeled seeds are then placed in a glass bottle together with one liter of Grappa and a sugar syrup (water and 300 g of sugar).
Then you add a vanilla pod and some rose petals.
The maceration will last one month and the aging process six months.
The flavor will be reminiscent of almonds and the Grappa will show a colour of golden yellow.